Sunday, August 29, 2004

Last Day

Today is the last day of summer vacation for me. I've spent most of it getting things ready for classes tomorrow. I always feel anxious the day before a new semester starts, even though I've been teaching for almost as long as some of my students have been alive! (man, that's a harsh realization!) I'll be teaching more classes this year and that will probably force me to obsess less about each class, which could be good for both me and the students.
It's always sad to see the end of summer vacation go, but I'll be happy to get back into my school year routine. It feels like the more seasons I go through, the more I am getting back to being myself. A friend wrote to me about how "we get so caught up in dancing for the world and being everything that everyone else wants us to be--we lose ourselves." I thought she put it well. It really does take some time and thought to get back to being ourselves. I know what I'm going through is not uncommon. That doesn't make it any less valid or important. It helps me realize there will always be a lot to learn.

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