Tuesday, December 07, 2004


What a nasty day it was today. I woke up to the sounds of the city plows scraping snow off the streets. I decided to hit the snooze buttom for an extra ten minutes of hiding in bed and then climbed out and headed for the tv once I saw how the streets were looking outside. Every school district in the area, except ours, had called for a delayed opening. I considered the state of the roads, the timing between when I drop my girl off to school and when my first class starts, the importance of what we would have accomplished in class today, my general motivation level and the number of times I have cancelled class this semester (zero) and decided it was a great day to cancel my 9am class. So I did. I emailed my students and most of them got the message before they got out of the house (or even their pajamas), so that was pretty good. I shoveled the stairs, cleaned the snow off the car and got the girl to school on time. I spent the morning taking care of household type tasks and got to school in the early afternoon. There was a decent turn out for class considering the weather. I was only there for a couple of hours but by the time I was ready to leave there was a nice coating of ice over every surface of the car that required scraping. So, are you wishing you lived in Northern New England yet?
The weather this evening has been sleet and rain. All the windows on the north side of the house are coated in ice. I've got a fire going in the fireplace. It doesn't crackle because it's a gas fireplace, but it's still cozy. The thought of not having to go out to the mall is motivating me to overspend on online shopping. What I really need to do is go sit by the fire and knit more gifts. And so, I will.

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