Monday, December 20, 2004


I think I'm starting to like winter. When I got up this morning there wasn't much snow on the ground, so I woke up the girl and we started in with the regular Monday morning routine. As an afterthought I decided we should check the local news station to see if the school opening had been delayed, an indeed it had. I was already too awake to go back to bed, but now I know if there's any white on the ground, I best check Channel 9 before I wake up too much.
The weather report said the snow would stop around noon and accumulation would be just about one inch. At 4pm, it's still snowing and there are about 3-4 inches of light fluffy snow on the ground. Easy to shovel but not so hot to drive in. Everything outside is white, black and gray.
I'm inside trying out various holiday recipes with varying degrees of success. The girl is properly geared up and out playing in the snow with her best friend and bf's little brother. I'll start up a fire in the fireplace soon and turn on the lights of the tree and enjoy the moment. I think I feel my Grinch heart growing.

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