Monday, November 01, 2004

Peace and Quiet On The Eve of The Election

I'm doing a good job so far of staying away from the tv tonight. I don't want to be a part of the final frenzy of the campaign media blitz. If I haven't done my homework by now and figured out the choices I want to make, then I've just been plain lazy. I'm not elated with the choices I have, but I'll make choices anyway. It seems negligent not to make a choice and participate when so much is at stake here. I can't in good conscience refuse to participate because my ideal (whatever that would be) is not presented as one of the options. It's my community and my country. It's my responsibility as a parent, a teacher and a citizen to participate.
I'm going to try to get to the polls tomorrow on my way to work. If it looks too crowded I'll have to go back later in the day, but I think it would help set my mind at rest to get in there early and vote without worrying about what the exit polls are saying.

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