Sunday, November 28, 2004

Holiday Weekend Wrap-up

Looks like I took most of the Thanksgiving weekend off from blogging. Once I finished up a proofreading job, I also took it off from working in just about any way shape or form. Wish I could find a job being a professional relaxer.
This intro to the holiday season went pretty well, all things considered. I got to spend time with all my loved ones. I got to eat lots of yummy food. There were no fights or arguments. There was lots of pie. I got some knitting done.
Not everything went my way, but having everything go my way is a lot to expect. I've got a lot to be thankful for and that's what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about, along with all the rest of it.
The Christmas season seems to already be in full swing. I see lights and decorations up on houses all over the place. The stores are full of shoppers and Christmas music. I have to be wise and take it easy with the Christmas shopping. There are a lot of things I'd like to make for people instead. I'm not sure if that's considered kosher or not in this day and age, but I'm Jewish to begin with (though not actively so) and it's more about the season than the day itself.

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