Monday, November 15, 2004

I won't feel guilty. Really.

One of the less fun aspects of my job is having to teach the lesson that being a nice person and having intended to try harder just doesn't cut the mustard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's really no reason to feel guilty. You are the teacher; there are many lessons you can teach beyond the subject listed in the course catalog. This is one of them. It's a lesson everyone needs to learn sooner or later.

In my senior year of college, I had a professor I'd had for three semesters tell me that the grade he gave me that last semester was, "for finally learning that you have to do all the work and on time." I had always done all the work and turned it in on time, but I guess he felt it was important to give me extra points for it at the end. He clearly felt that was an important lesson to put across to his students and so should you.