Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I went and voted. The voting itself went fine. They always have things running smoothly at the Ward 4 polling station. But I saw some disturbing sights on my way there and back.

Disturbing Sight #1; On my way to Dover along Route 108 I saw a clean-cut, middle-aged man angrily ripping Bush-Cheney signs out of the ground and flinging them into the field along the side of the road. The signs for local democratic candidates remained untouched.

Disturbing Sight #2; The nicely wooded paths along the brook in the middle of campus are plastered with Kerry-Edwards signs. I sure as hell hope the people who put them up there plan to take them down and dispose of them properly before it starts raining later today and they become a soggy mess. What a friggin waste of paper. And duct tape.

Disturbing Site #3: Every car in the faculty/staff parking lot plastered with two kinds of flyers explaining that students have the right to vote in town. That's nice, but students don't park there. Haven't you people learned how to read by the time you get to college? Didn't you notice while you were putting flyers under the wipers that every single car had a faculty/staff parking pass hanging off the rearview mirror. You really couldn't miss that.
I mourn all the trees that went to waste for so much of this bullshit.

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