Sunday, April 25, 2004


Oh yeah, in the midst of all the upheaval I acheived Lifetime Membership in Weight Watchers yesterday. What does that mean? It means I have reached my goal weight and maintained it for 6 weeks and as long as I weigh in at least once every month at not more than 2 pounds above my goal I don't have to pay for meetings. I set my goal on the higher end of my weight range and have been consistently 3-5 pounds below that for the past month. The excessive levels of stress in my life have pretty much killed my appetite so it hasn't really been a chore to maintain. There have been plenty of days when I used the WW points as a goal to eat that much, not as a restriction. My dad told me I'm "svelte" now. That's pretty funny. Question is, how can I have dropped 21 pounds and weigh what I did in high school and still think my butt looks too big? Think I have some issues. Who doesn't though?

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