Hmmm, I seem to falling off the previously quite focused track of concentration for work. Multiple blog posts in a short time are a sure sign of that. But I have to make a note of this morning's silliness.
If you've been reading this blog for a while you probably know I have a sister. We like to meet for breakfast at the old bakery coffee shop downtown once a week. It's "our thing". Another of "our things" is apparently to dress alike subconsciously. I got up this morning, showered and put on a red shirt, decided I didn't feel like a red shirt today and cut the tags off my new turquoise colored, pima cotton v-neck tshirt instead. After dropping the girl off at school I headed downtown to meet Sis. I walked into the coffee shop, let my eyes adjust enough to see her sitting there in the first booth and as I walked over I noticed that she was wearing, oh yes, a turquoise colored shirt. New. Also from TJ Maxx. Hers is sleeveless and with a crew neck, but still this is not a color either of us wear regularly and of course we have to wear it on the same day we're meeting for breakfast in public. Before we even said hello we burst out laughing and admitted that we were both wearing the shirts for the first time today.
An elderly lady sitting over at the counter noticed us and asked if we were twins and then told us she has a twin but looks more like her older sister than her twin. I let Sis do the talking and just sat, smiled and nodded. After omelets and multiple cups of coffee we went out and chatted on the sidewalk, as we tend to do, before we went to our cars, which are not the same at all thank goodness. A short guy wearing all olive green did one then another double take back at us as he passed by.
When I was little everyone thought my younger sister and I were twins. We were only a year apart so I guess it wasn't so strange. As we've gotten older people have started to think I look like a twin with my older sister. I'm not a twin! Just maybe a chameleon?
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