Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Third or Fourth Time's the Charm?

For the past four years I have been in an office with a motion detector sensor light that is timed to shut off after about 10 minutes. This means when I am sitting at my desk working, the light flicks off and I have to wave my arm spastically around behind me until the motion sensor detects it and turns the light back on. I have emailed and called the facilities department and have even asked the departmental admin person to check into it for me. Four years and I'm still waiving my arm behind me to turn the light back on. I just made another call to the facilities department and asked them to come and fix it. Uh, what was that definition of insanity again? Something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome....


Heidi said...

you got tell them that there is something wrong with it. It 'crackles' or 'smokes' or that there are 'sparks' coming from it.
either that, or take a hammer to it.

Anonymous said...

The only things that will change is that they'll form a committee including members from every department on campus as well as "community leaders" and hold monthly meetings to discuss the motion detector issue. At the end of that time they'll "solve" the problem by removing the lights in the office and knocking a hole in the wall so light from the corridor can enter the office.